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- Shinji Itaya, Mari Shuuno, Norio Onikura, Akira Tai & Shinichiro Yano “Effect of Intertidal Elevation at Tsuyazaki Cove, Fukuoka, Japan on Survival Rate of Horseshoe Crab Tachypleus tridentatus Eggs” Journal of Ocean University of China, 21, 601-610, 2022
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- Hirofumi Kurokawa, Kengo Igei, Akinori Kitsuki, Kenichi Kurita, Shunsuke Managi, Makiko Nakamuro, Akira Sakano “Improvement impact of nudges incorporated in environmental education on students’environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 325, Part B, 2023
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- Yoshihisa Akamatsu, Ryohei Nakao, Hiromu Motozawa, Koji Furukawa, Yoshihisa Kurita “Application of a quantitative PCR method for monitoring of geosmin-producing Anabaena spp. in a Japanese reservoir.” Landscape and Ecological Engineering., vol.19, 87-93, 2023
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- 藤岡悠一郎「34. 乾燥帯(砂漠気候BW)の生活文化 雨の少ない乾燥帯のナミビアでは人びとはとのように暮らしているのだろうか」 『フィールドから地球を学ぶ―地理授業のための60のエピソード』横山智・湖中真哉・由井義通・綾部真雄・森本泉・三尾裕子編, 74-75, 2023
- Tomoya Matsumoto, Ggombe Kasim Munyegera “Mobile Revolution and Rural Development” Agricultural Development in Asia and Africa: Essays in Honor of Keijiro Otsuka, 231-242, 2023
- K. Nagatomo, K. Nakayama, K. Komai, H. Matsumoto, K. Watanabe, A. Kubo, K. Tada, Y. Maruya, S. Yano, J. W. Tsai, H. C. Lin, M. Vilas, M. R. Hipsey “A Spatially Integrated Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (SiDIC) Model for Aquatic Ecosystems Considering Submerged Vegetation” Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128(2), 2023
- Yasuyuki MARUYA, Keisuke NAKAYAMA, Masafumi SASAKI, Katsuaki KOMAI, “Effect of dissolved oxygen on methane production from bottom sediment in a eutrophic stratified lake” Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.125, pp.61-72, 2023
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- Minoru Saito, Satsuki Tsuji, Ryohei Nakao, Seiji Miyazono, Yoshihisa Akamatsu “Comparative study on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis for environmental DNA-based spawning evaluation” Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Vol19, 55-67, 2023
- Seiji Miyazono, Takao Kodama, Yoshihisa Akamatsu, Ryohei Nakao, Hideaki Miyahira “Application of environmental DNA analysis for detecting potential sources of invasive aquatic plant Egeria densa in a riverine network” Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Vol 19, 45-54, 2023
- 若松美保子「効果的なナッジに向けて―環境・資源経済学における実験的アプローチからの知見―」 環境経済・政策研究, 16(1), 2023