- 蒋宏偉・佐藤廉也・横山智・西本太「ラオス中部の焼畑農耕民における生活活動の時間配分と空間分布」E-journal GEO, 18(2), 324-338, 2023
- Hideaki Suzuki “African Slaves and the Persian Gulf” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, 2023
- Hideaki Suzuki “Japanese Textiles in East Africa” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, 2023
- 鈴木伸二・小菅丈治「嘉定城通志(Gia Định thành thông chí)に記載されたエビ・カニ類の同定」『民俗文化』35, 197-204, 2023
- Takatsuki Yasuo and Taro Hisamatsu “The role of information in the Rice Exchange: YAMAGATA Bantō’s Great Knowledge (1806)” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30, 395-409, 2023
- Watanabe, N., Arai, K., Otsubo, M. Toda, M., Tominaga, A., Chiyonobu, S., Sato, T., Ikeda, T., Takahashi, A., Ota, H., Iryu, Y. “Geological history of the land area between Okinawa Jima and Miyako Jima of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and its phylogeographical significance for the terrestrial organisms of these and adjacent islands.” Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 58-71, 2023
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- 渡部哲史・荒谷邦雄・内海信幸・苅部治紀・北野忠・木村匡臣・嶋田奈穂子・富永篤・中村泰之・藤岡悠一郎・永井信「琉球諸島の流域における水循環と生物多様性に関する学際研究の可能性と展望.」『流域圏学会誌』10, 58-71, 2023
- 永井信・斎藤琢・丸谷靖幸・藤岡悠一郎・渡部哲史「公開資料から読み解く流域の人々と水の関わり~長良川流域における出水や漁獲高の記録を事例として~」『流域圏学会誌』10(2), 4-17, 2023
- 中下慎也・Kyeongmin KIM・下方幹治・溝口幹太・日比野忠史「5年間の現地実験による広島湾における養殖マガキの斃死要因の検討」『土木学会論文集, 特集号(海岸工学)』79, 2023
- Masaru Nagashima & Chikako Yamauchi “Female Education and Brideprice: Evidence from Primary Education Reform in Uganda” The World Bank Economic Review, 37(4), 599-619, 2023
- Masaru Nagashima & Chikako Yamauchi “Pregnant in haste? The impact of foetus loss on birth spacing and the role of subjective probabilistic beliefs” Review of Economics of the Household, 21, 1409-1431, 2023
- Ichie, Tomoaki; Igarashi, Shuichi; Tamura, Sae; Takahashi, Ai; Kenzo, Tanaka; Hyodo, Fujio; Tayasu, Ichiro; Meleng, Paulus; Azani, Mohamad Alias; bin Wasli, Mohd Effendi; “Accurate dating of tropical secondary forests using wood core Δ14C in Malaysia” Forest Ecology and Management, 546, 2023
- Shimizu-Kaya, Usun; Hyodo, Fujio; Ueda, Shouhei; Komatsu, Takashi; Meleng, Paulus; Itioka, Takao; “Food habits of 3 myrmecophilous bug species on myrmecophytic Macaranga (Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae) vary from herbivory to predation” Journal of Insect Science, 23, 2, 2023
- Tatsumi, Chikae; Taniguchi, Takeshi; Hyodo, Fujio; Du, Sheng; Yamanaka, Norikazu; Tateno, Ryunosuke; “Mycorrhizal type affects forest nitrogen availability, independent of organic matter quality” Biogeochemistry, 165, 327-340, 2023
- Yamasaki, Takeshi; Hashimoto, Yoshiaki; Endo, Tomoji; Hyodo, Fujio; Itioka, Takao; Mohamed, Maryati; Meleng, Paulus; “Taxonomic study of Bornean species of Utivarachna Kishida, 1940 (Araneae: Trachelidae), with the description of a new species.” Zootaxa, 5343, 55-73, 2023
- Kobari, Toru; Shinyashiki, Maharu; Saito, Kanako; Kume, Gen; Ichinomiya, Mutsuo; Komorita, Tomohiro; Miyamoto, Hiroomi; Okazaki, Yuji; Makino, Fumihiro; Fukuda, Ryuji; “Trophic sources and pathways of mesozooplankton and fish larvae in the Kuroshio and its neighboring waters based on stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen” Progress in Oceanography, 210, 2023
- Kim, Dongwoo; Amei, Kanako; Komeda, Sota; Tokuhiro, Koki; Aita, Maki Noguchi; Hyodo, Fujio; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; ” “Vertical, spatial, size, and taxonomic variations in stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of zooplankton and other pelagic organisms in the western North Pacific” Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 197, 2023
- 藤岡悠一郎・高倉浩樹・Sardana BOYAKOVA「東シベリア・レナ川流域における環境変化に関する地域住民の認識と差異(講演採録)」『日本水文科学会誌』53, 28-31, 2023
- 藤岡悠一郎・手代木功基「日本列島の採集林:特徴と課題」『月刊地理』68(3), 814, 16-21, 2023
- Takehiko Shimizu, Masayuki Senzaki, Yuichiro Fujioka, Satoquo Seino “Relative importance of tidal flats and artificial habitats for two spoonbill species and related interspecific differences.” Avian Research: 100107. 14(1), 2023
- 古川不可知「水と山と歩くこと ――ヒマラヤと水の物質性をめぐる断想」『現代思想11月号 特集:<水>を考える』 51(14), 176-186, 2023
- Tatsuya Mishima, Tadatsugu Hosoya, Hiroshi Anzai & Kunio Araya “A wide range of habitat for Ceruchus lignarius nodai larvae (Coleoptera, Lucanidae): brown rotten logs in both initial and advanced stages of decay” Elytra, New Series, 13, 67-73, 2023
- 細谷忠嗣「フィールド:琉球列島 琉球列島のコガネムシ上科甲虫の多様性と系統地理」『水共生学Newsletter』(3), 4, 2023
- 田川一希・細谷忠嗣・百村帝彦「ラオスの食料市場で販売される昆虫の季節的・地理的変動」『昆虫と自然』58(14),6-10, 2023
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- Abe Y, Ide T, Matsuo K, Maeto K, Wu Y “Extinction threat to a previously undescribed species of gall wasp (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and two associated parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae and Eulophidae) on a threatened rose” Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 116, 154-161, 2023
- Tsukada Kazunari, Arimoto Yutaka, Kojin Emi, Mano Yukichi, Lan Nguyen Kim “Cumulative Effects of Intensified Cropping Cycles: Triple Rice Cropping in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta” アジ研テクニカルレポートIDE Technical Report, 899, 1-68, 2023
- Emi Kojin, Do Van Hoang, Nguyen Thie, Yutaka Arimoto, Vo Hong Tu, Yukichi Mano, Nguyen Duy Can, Kazunari Tsukada “Government and market initiatives for the governance of fertilizer quality in Vietnam” Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study Discussion Paper Series HIAS-E-130, 1-29, 2023
- Yukichi Mano, Yutaka Arimoto, Nguyen Duy Can, Do Van Hoang, Emi Kojin, Nguyen Thie, Kazunari Tsukada, Vo Hong Tu “Nutrient deficiencies and compositional variability in fertilizers : The case of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam” Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study Discussion Paper Series HIAS-E-129, 1-29, 2023
- 三隅一人「地域水共有物コミュニティの現代的可能性」『第22回都市水害に関するシンポジウム講演論文集』 1-8, 2023
- 三隅一人「災害の累積に留意した社会的脆弱性の分析:熊本震災、武雄水害、コロナ禍」『地球社会統合科学』30(1),28-42, 2023
- Hisasue, Y., Pham, T.-H. & Mita, T. “Taxonomic revision of the genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Loboscelidiinae) from Vietnam” European Journal of Taxonomy, 887, 1-68, 2023
- 半田宏伸・三田敏治「埼玉県初記録17種を含むカマバチ類29種の分布記録(ハチ目カマバチ科)」『埼玉県立自然の博物館研究報告』(17), 119-126, 2023
- 上森教慈・三田敏治・菱拓雄「鹿児島大学農学部附属高隈演習林及び大隅国有林においてイエローパントラップを用いて採集された有剣ハチ類」『九州大学農学部演習林報告』104, 7-12, 2023
- 三田敏治「糸島半島で得られた有剣ハチ類の記録」『Pulex』(102), 1007-1009, 2023
- 西谷光平・三田敏治「メスを追うムカシアリガタバチのオス」『すがれおい』(3), 44-45, 2023
- 三田敏治「奄美大島でピットフォールトラップにより得られたナナフシヤドリバチ」『すがれおい』(3), 78-79, 2023
- 三田敏治・西谷光平「福岡県で得た数種のアリガタバチ」『すがれおい』(3), 42-43, 2023
- 三田敏治・山本和典「福岡県および佐賀県で得られたコバネアリガタバチEpyris emiae Terayama, 2006」『すがれおい』(4), 26-27, 2023
- 三田敏治「ルーマニアの記録」『すがれおい』(4), 122-136, 2023
- 三田敏治「福岡県糸島市の住宅地の公園で発生したニッポンハナダカバチ」『すがれおい』(4), 48-49, 2023